Wir sind zweieinhalb Tage in Mysore. Leider können wir nicht wirklich das Beste daraus machen, da es Stef immer noch nicht richtig gut geht. Deshalb verbringen wir mehr Zeit im Hotel als uns lieb ist. Das Hotel selbst ist jedoch gut, mit einer sehr schönen Bar auf dem Dach, wo wir mehrere Mahlzeiten einnehmen.
Wir besichtigen den Mysore Palace, der innen wie außen beeindruckend und eine Besichtigung wert ist. Hier beginnt auch unsere ungewollte "Karriere als Model". Mehrere Inder bitten uns, Fotos mit ihnen zu machen, darunter eine große Gruppe von Senioren. 😂 Manchmal ist es ein schüchternes, freundliches Bitten, manchmal ist es eine barsche Aufforderung, die einem Befehl gleicht. Wir haben das Gefühl, dass wir, obwohl wir wie alle anderen auch zum Sightseeing hier sind, selbst zu einer Attraktion in der Attraktion geworden sind. Es ist seltsam, lustig, unangenehm - ein Wechselbad der Gefühle - und nach einer Weile (rund 20 Mal...) geht es uns auf die Nerven. Aber wie wir in den nächsten Tagen feststellen werden: So ist es hier einfach und es ist besser, dass wir uns eher früher als später daran gewöhnen. Es läuft immer ähnlich ab: Einer fängt alleine oder mit der Familie an und während Fotos gemacht werden, scharen sich immer mehr Leute um uns und wollen auch ihr "Selfie" machen. Händeschütteln, woher kommst du? Wie ist dein Name? Lächeln. Und alles wieder von vorne, bis zum Abwinken.
Siamo a Mysore per due giorni e mezzo. Purtroppo non possiamo approfittarne, perché Stef non sta ancora bene. Passiamo quindi più tempo in albergo di quanto vorremmo. L'hotel è comunque carino, con un bar molto bello sul tetto, dove consumiamo diversi pasti.
Visitiamo il Mysore Palace, che è notevole sia all'interno che all'esterno e merita una visita. Qui inizia anche la nostra indesiderata "carriera da modelli". Diversi indiani ci chiedono di fare foto con loro, tra cui un folto gruppo di anziani. A volte si tratta di una richiesta timida e amichevole, altre volte di una richiesta secca che assomiglia a un ordine. Abbiamo la sensazione che, pur essendo qui per visitare la città come tutti gli altri, siamo diventati un'attrazione nell'attrazione. È strano, divertente, fastidioso - una montagna russa di emozioni - e dopo un po' (circa 20 volte...) ci dà sui nervi. Ma come scopriremo nei prossimi giorni: è così che funziona qui ed è meglio abituarsi prima che dopo. Le cose si svolgono sempre in modo simile: qualcuno inizia da solo o con la famiglia e, mentre si scattano le foto, sempre più persone si radunano intorno a noi e vogliono scattarsi anche loro un "selfie". Stretta di mano, da dove vieni? Come ti chiami? Sorriso. E così via, fino a esaurimento.
We are in Mysore for two and a half days. Unfortunately, we can't really make the most of it, as Stef is still not really well. So we spend more time in the hotel than we would like to. The hotel itself is good, though, with a very nice bar on the roof, where we have several meals.
We visit the Mysore Palace, which is impressive inside and outside and worth a visit. This is also where our unwanted "career as a model" begins. Several Indians ask us to take photos with them, including a large group of middle-aged to old people. 😂 Sometimes it is a shy, friendly request, sometimes it is a harsh demand that resembles an order. We feel that although we are here for sightseeing like everyone else, we ourselves have become an attraction within the attraction. It's strange, funny, unpleasant - a rollercoaster of emotions - and after a while (about 20 times...) it gets on our nerves. But as we will discover over the next few days: that's just how it is here and it's better that we get used to it rather sooner than later. It always works in a similar way: someone starts alone or with the family and while photos are being taken, more and more people gather around us and want to take their "selfie" too. Shake hands, where are you from? What's your name? Smile. And it's all over again, ad nauseam.
Mysore Palace
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Ziegen "warten" auf den Bus // Capre "aspettano" l'autobus // Goats "waiting" for the bus |
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Blumen für die Gläubigen // Fiori per i credenti // Flowers for the believers |
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Festival zum Geburtstag des Gottes Ganesh // Festival per la nascita di Ganesh // Festival for the birthday of Ganesh |
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Festival zum Geburtstag des Gottes Ganesh // Festival per la nascita di Ganesh // Festival for the birthday of Ganesh |
In the late afternoon we want to collect our luggage again and... the locker system doesn't accept our credit cards and of course we can't set up any of the local payment systems by mobile phone either, as you need an Indian bank account for that. Strangely (not his usual forte), Stef comes up with the brilliant idea of asking a young man to do it for us and we give him the money; he is so nice and helps us out. 🥳 So we "free" our luggage, get on the train and find our seats for the night, which are not super spacious but pretty okay, definitely better than the beds right along the train windows on the aisle - see photo. We sleep better than expected - and get off in Hampi early the next morning.
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